Stowarzyszenie Rynków Finansowych ACI Polska z przyjemnością zaprasza na szkolenie Benchmarks Workshop w języku angielskim, które zostanie poprowadzone przez Johna Ewana oraz Michaela Hammera.

Termin:19 listopada 2019 r.
Miejsce szkolenia: Warszawa, GPW Książęca 4, IIp, sala 2003
Godziny szkolenia: 9:00-17:00

Koszt szkolenia wynosi 600 PLN netto + VAT. Całkowity koszt brutto wynosi 738 PLN (VAT 23%)
Koszt szkolenia dla Członka ACI wynosi 300 PLN netto + VAT. Całkowity koszt brutto dla członka ACI wynosi 369 PLN (VAT 23%). Członkostwo będzie weryfikowane.

Cena zawiera koszt szkolenia, dostęp do materiałów (w języku angielskim), całodzienny serwis kawowy oraz lunch.

Zapisy do dnia: 14 listopada 2019 r.

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Stosowne faktury VAT zostaną wystawione przez:
Stowarzyszenie Rynków Finansowych ACI Polska
ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 1A 00-544 Warszawa
NIP: 525-21-02-010, REGON: 012799548
Płatność na rachunek 05 1020 1068 0000 1002 0076 6089
PKO BP S.A PKO BP S.A.Oddział 6 w Warszawie ul. Puławska 15, 02-515 Warszawa

Poniżej zakres tematyczny szkolenia.

Executive Summary

Benchmarks and in particular market conduct around the management, design, contribution and use of these is currently central to the global regulatory agenda. Regulation of all these activities is either in place or will shortly be introduced in Europe, the UK, Singapore, Australia and Canada, with other jurisdictions likely to follow.

Regulators and central banks are pushing to move the market away from deeply embedded and well understood IBOR rates to new “Risk Free Rates” (“RFRs”). Given the level of risk and cost involved, and the amount of new governance, market practice and infrastructure that is still to be designed, built and tested around this, the timetables are breathtakingly short.

This is a complex topic that will impact on many areas of the operation of banks and other market participants. The complexity and risk inherent in managing the introduction of benchmark regulation and the transition from IBOR rates to RFRs has been compared to managing the Euro accession.

The training is to be delivered jointly by:

John Ewan
A director at Benchmark Advisory Services Ltd with 20 years of experience in running benchmarks and direct experience of managing transition of benchmarks from unregulated to regulated activities.

Michael Hammer
A director at BDO in Austria, with 20 years of experience in treasury accounting gained at major banks, and currently a leader in BDO’s financial services practice, with a focus on IBOR transition and benchmark regulation.
Proposed Agenda

1) Current status of benchmark transition: EONIA/ €STR, EURIBOR. Implications for users of these rates.
2) Managing asset-liability risk. Basis risk and other risks in the transition period from term rates to RFRs.
3) Limitation of RFRs against term rates. Implications of the current lack of term structure for RFRs.
4) The future for derivative transactions. Are there going to be market for instruments hedging conversion from EURIBOR to €STR? What about CIRS? Especially CIRS EUR/CHF where EUR rate is EURIBOR and CHF leg is SARON?
5) Bonds market - will FRN survive or will fixed coupon take over the market?
6) Influence of the new rates on hedging strategies and rules of hedge accounting
7) Floating rate assets modeling - from interest rate management point of view
8) Technical aspects of RFR usage
9) Progress of transition from LIBOR to SOFR in dollar markets.


Informujemy, że niniejsze szkolenie odbywa się dzięki współpracy edukacyjnej pomiędzy ACI Polska i Giełdą Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie na rzecz rozwoju rynku finansowego. Serdecznie dziękujemy GPW za wsparcie w organizacji szkolenia.
